About the Program

In this program WISC continues with its approach of creating an environment where realistic goals can be achieved in sports. The Swim Team is developed with the goal to provide the opportunity to pursue excellence in training as a reliable and solid foundation for competitive swimming program.

The approach is based on the principles of continuous incremental development over a long period of time as a child grows and develops at our school. This Long Term Continuous Athlete Development process consists of planned training program that addresses the cognitive, physical and so cio-emotional development of the student-swimmer alongside their academic expectations.

The environment we strive to create at WISC is that which places more emphasis on athlete-centered learning process that involves the support of positively driven coaches, parent and administrative staff system. This way of nurturing young athletes enables the academy to develop swimmers for lifelong participation and producing excellence, through a progressive goal-centered approach in sync with the developmental stages of the student-swimmers.

This long term development continuous program will also provide swimmers with the framework in which team spirit and a sense of community can grow with qualified and experienced coaches, instructors and support staff.
WISC ensures that, our student-swimmers will learn lifelong and transferable skills related to; effective time management, setting and evaluating goals,progressive goals that explore, challenge and stretch the athletes, coping with the adversities of disappointment and relishing opportunities to succeed.

The Academy recognizes that student-athletes develop at different rates and the coaching staff are intent on allowing the individual nature of the sport to be fully realized. WISC offers a professional, quality and unrivaled comprehensive training program that adheres to the principles of long-term athlete development and provides each swimmer with the opportunities they need to progress and excel within the sport.

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