The World International School Cambodia (WISC) Early Learners Kindergarten Program is based on the new Ministry of education (MOE) Singapore kindergarten program.The WISC kindergarten started since the inception of the school in September, 2012, and it is carefully set-up to ensure that each child is happy, involved and learning.

The kindergarten program is offered atall of our campuses at TuekLaak and ToulKork, and is purposely designed this way for the convenience of our parents so that siblings can study at the same place.  As a result of this our campuses, offers children aged from 3 years to 6 years old, places and spaces to develop and thrive.

We recognize the importance of the Kindergarten level as a time when a firm foundation is laid for future learning and success. Our Kindergarten years include the preschool (the year a child turns 2), Nursery (the year a child turns 3), Kindergarten 1 (the years a child turns 4) and Kindergarten2 (the year a child turns 5).

Our early childhood educators are committed to helping your child reach his or herown full potential.  The Singapore curriculum engages children through units of work that encourage inquiry, critical thinking, communication and collaboration, and extends learning in the key subject areas.

Our full day program adopts the four guiding principles the MOE Singapore K-Care approach which requires us as a school to provide opportunities for children to:

  • Engage in indoor and outdoor play
  • Play with friends and interact with the larger community
  • Explore and discover the world around them

This approach with our youngest learners is backed by research from around the world which shows that the Early Years are the critical foundation years as the brain develops significantly from birth to the age of seven.  By adhering to the Singapore MOE guiding framework, our Kindergarten programmewill manage to enhance your child’s all-round cognitive, language and social development. 

English Lessons

WISC’s main goal for adopting the Singapore K-Care curriculum is to utilize its principles to nurture children holistically so that apart from academic excellence, in terms of a good foundation in numeracy and literacy, your child also becomes more confident and has strong social skills.

This approach allows our Kindergarten students to learn and progress through activities organized around four key themes:

  • Who am I?
  • Who are the people and what are the places around me?
  • Who do I share the world with?
  • How do things work?

The themes allow children to first explore and learn about themselves before learning about their friends, the people and places in Cambodia and subsequently, the world.

The Singapore MOE guiding framework also leads our kindergarten program along pathways that enables us to provide an environment where your child will play and learn through hands-on experiences because the intellectual and cognitive benefits of playing are well documented; children who engage in quality play experiences are more likely to have well-developed memory skills, language development, and are better able to regulate their behaviour, leading to enhanced school adjustment and academic learning.

Our kindergarten program hasalso adopted the world-renowned Singapore Mathematics methodologies which encourage active thinking processes and communication about mathematical ideas and problem solving with a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach.

At WISC, the engaging Kindergarten Language Arts programme develops children’s reading, writing, speaking and listening skills and promotes a love of learning. Through enjoyable activities that are intentionally planned to achieve learning outcomes, your child will engage in lively discussions with their teachers and peers to build on ideas and concepts together.

The programme ensures that Children learn through activities with a distinctive Cambodian flavour. They will have opportunities to learn about people, places and around them such as festivals, traditions and local food. This provides an authentic context for learning, which makes learning more relevant and real for children.


Curriculum Overview


  • Communicate in oral and written form within a variety of contexts in daily life
  • Develop skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing through a holistic approach to language learning
  • Appreciate Chinese culture through the Arts, customs, celebrations and traditions

All Kindergarten children begin with Introductory Chinese. The units are based on real-life themes that are relevant to their personal lives so that our early language learners can begin to make meaningful connections with Chinese vocabulary.

Students are taught greetings and how to describe simple physical aspects of themselves, their family, and how to make simple requests used in everyday contexts.

At the Kindergarten 1 and kindergarten 2 levels, our students are taught to express their personal thoughts or opinions about simple topics such as a favourite sport, food, or toys.

This way, our Chinese programmecaters to students who are native or near-native speakers and giving them a solid foundation and confidence in thelanguage in readiness of the next level of Chinese language primary school curriculum.

Digital Literacy

Our ICT Philosophy

World International School Cambodia (WISC) uses digital literacy, to help provide for, guide and support our students with purposeful experiences that will help them:

  • Develop problem solving and higher order thinking skills through learning the basics of Information Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Communicate and collaborate effectively and meaningfully using a variety of digital tools and technologies
  • Create, personalise, interact with and present their own content using industry standard tools and best design practices
  • Build understanding about how to use technology appropriately and meaningfully
  • Take ownership of their learning, and be able to evaluate it and reflect upon it
  • Become a responsible Digital Citizen, by developing an understanding of how to be safe online, make responsible decisions about sharing information, and evaluate and acknowledge sources of information

In view of the captioned objective, it clear that Digital Literacy at WISCis used to enhance the teaching-learning environment as it pervades all subject areas and phases of learning. We are dedicated to ensuring that our students have access to instructional, assistive and innovative technology to support their learning experiences, and within a learning environment that extends beyond the four walls of the classroom.

We remain steadfast to our commitment that online learning happens in developmentally appropriate and authentic ways.

Students use technology tools to locate, explore, analyse, exchange and present information responsibly and creatively. We believe that increased competence in the use of Technology promotes initiative and independent learning, with students being able to make informed judgments about when and where to use it to best effect.

Our Digital Literacy teachers work alongside subject teachers in weekly lessons to seamlessly integrate ICT into the units of study in all classes. This integrated model ensures that the children have personalised and authentic learning experiences across a range of curriculum areas. Through this collaborative model, our teachers are then empowered and resourced to incorporate ICT into other classroom lessons. To support this, our teachers and students have access to a Technology Suite and mobile laptop equipment. Classrooms are equipped with a sound system, a digital projector, a visualizer, and wireless internet connection. We are committed to the long term investment in hardware resources so that access to technology is at the fingertips of teachers and learners.

ICT Curriculum - ALL Kindergarten Classes

In the Pre-School to Kindergarten years, digital devices form part of the many manipulative and interactive tools that our children engage with to access learning opportunities. Working alongside, our teachers guide our youngest students to:

  • Explore and experiment
  • Work creatively
  • Create and present their own content
  • Collect, evaluate and share information

The WISC Adoption of the Singapore way

  • The Singapore approach borrows its methodologies from proven best practices around the world like the Reggio Emilia philosophy and as result, it makes us view children as capable and curious beings and that every child is precious and unique, ready to shine and achieve his or her dreams.
  • Our early childhood educators are experienced, caring and passionate. They provide a supportive and stimulating learning environment where children feel safe and happy; providing optimal opportunity to thrive and learn.
  • Our kindergarten program values and promotes home-school partnerships with families and recognises that parents are a child's first teacher. We look forward to working together with you and having you join our Early Childhood community

For information about our exceptional kindergarten Program based on the Singapore holistic way of learning, please contact our admissions team here.