World international School Cambodia (WISC) aims to make learning relevant and meaningful to students by adopting an inquiry-based, integrated curriculum which focuses on the child as a learner. WISC recognises that children come to us as distinct individuals with unique experiences, backgrounds, abilities and interests. Teachers at WISC promote cross-cultural understanding, and differentiate instruction to meet students’ varying needs, abilities and learning styles. We provide a balanced education program within a safe, stimulating environment so that each child can learn and grow to their greatest potential. No child is left behind.

Our Primary School curriculum also includes instruction in Chinese and Khmer Languages, Social Studies, Science, Art, Music, Dance, Physical Education and Library Skills with a focus on information technology. Classes follow Units of Inquiry which guide their studies over


English is the language of instruction at WISC. Our Language Arts programme is central to the learning and development of all our students. Ourgoal as an international school is create effective communicators and critical thinkers who are able to analyse, understand and build relationships with the world around them.


Students at World International School Cambodia (WISC) are taught that the language of Mathematics is used to describe, analyse and make sense of the world around us.   Our students also learn that, Mathematics involves developing the understanding of relationships between things, the making of representational models, the interpretation of data, and the development of numeracy.

Through these applications, our students develop the core skills of problem-solving and logical reasoning. These skills are key drivers to living and working in this innovative and technological age.

At WISC, we have adopted the Singapore Mathematics curriculum as we believe it is a rigorous approach to teaching Primary School Mathematics. This is because the Singapore methodologies places great emphasis on the development of problem solving skills using the model approach, leading to an understanding of algebraic reasoning.

This approach embraces Jerome Bruner’s stages of enactive (concrete), iconic (pictorial) and symbolic (abstract) learning.

The Mathematical thinking which is embedded in the Singapore Maths approach, involves questioning, constructing a rational and logical system of investigation and problem-solving. These skills are vital to our future-orientation students who are living in an age of innovation, invention and scientific discovery.

The unique feature of the Singapore Maths curriculum is the spiral design, where a concept such as fraction, begins life on a very tight and small circle of the spiral. At the next level, the spiral opens up to revisit a prior concept taught and to introduce other related but more difficult concepts.

This continues to Grade 6 until all the related ideas are developed. Hence the children are provided with opportunities to revisit concepts introduced in an earlier year and to extend them.As a result of this approach, our primary school programme enables students to develop their ability to:

  • Understand the following mathematical concepts:
    • Numerical
    • Geometrical
    • Statistical
    • Algebraic
  • Recognise patterns and spatial relationships
  • Know common systems of units
  • Use mathematical language, symbols and diagrams to represent and communicate mathematical ideas
  • Perform operations with whole numbers, fractions and decimals
  • Perform simple algebraic manipulation
  • Develop the ability to perform mental calculation
  • Present and interpret information in written, graphical, diagrammatic and tabular forms
  • Use learned concepts and appropriate heuristics to solve problems
  • Think logically and derive conclusions deductively
  • Develop Inquiry skills through investigative activities


Curriculum Overview

  • Communicate in oral and written form within a variety of contexts in daily life
  • Develop skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing through a holistic approach to language learning
  • Appreciate Chinese culture through the Arts, customs, celebrations and traditions


Learning Chinese is an integral part of the experience at WISC and we hope our children will develop a deep interest in learning and using the language. So whether this is the student’s first exposure to Mandarin, or if it is their first language, our stream approach caters for a wide range of learners with a variety of linguistic and cultural backgrounds. We offer Chinese as an additional language, rather than on a bilingual platform. Our Mandarin language and Chinese culture lessons take place daily for all classes, with further immersion opportunities for the language slow learners.

At WISC, our Chinese lessons are led by a team of dedicated native Chinese professionals, and the relative activities are characterised by high levels of active engagement, enthusiasm and energy. Using a range of interactive methods, students participate in singing action songs and rhymes, role play, online learning and collaborative activities.

The experience we provide and the curriculum that has been designed, provide the systematic development of skills and knowledge of the Chinese language.

Upon leaving the Primary School Chinese programme, our children will be confident users of the language and are capable of dealing with the challenges posed to them as continue with their Chinese language instruction at the secondary school level.

Digital Literacy

Assessment & Achievement

Each student’s achievements are continually assessed. Teachers use a variety of assessment techniques including testing for knowledge and skills, observations, portfolios of student’s work and analysis of book, project and practical work. Attitude, learning skills, social relationships and effort are considered equally important when looking at the overall development of the child.

Detailed descriptive reports are given to parents on a monthly basis during the year and parent/teacher conferences are also held to discuss each student’s social and academic progress every quarter. Achievement of students is benchmarked according to the Singapore Education System Standards.

For enrollment requirements, please click here for further information.
Click here to see The Elementary School Curriculum Guide